About Olive Juice

This is a journal of sorts of our ideas (as the design goddesses that we are) that don't necessarily get executed and instead just live in our heads. Punctuated of course with things we just plain love, covet, or if you will..."Olive Juice".

Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday Flowers

My deepest apologies for the long absence. Between new projects, a new(ish) job and a new home, my summer has been quite busy and has completely gotten away from me. Nevertheless, I am back! :)

Though it’s been a chaotic summer, I still try to stop and smell (well, see) the roses.

Check out the flowers of my summer (thus far)…

{rinoculous centerpiece close up}

{whole foods tulip cart}

{"window" boxes at the pool}

{colorful sunflowers}

{birthday gladiolus from my friend, emily}

{gerbera dasies in lemonade jars}

1 comment:

Clifton Irrigation said...

This is a great postt thanks